2022-01-30 03:36:26
1: University of Toronto多伦多大学
With 8,000 faculty, more than 700 undergraduateprograms and around 83,000 students on three campuses, the University ofToronto is in a class of its own. St. George, the leafy downtown campus, hasthe historic stone buildings, while the newer Scarborough and Mississauga campusesare in quieter suburban settings. U of T's halls have echoed with the debatesof several future premiers and prime ministers.
罗特曼(Rotman)管理学院是北美乃至世界首屈一指的著名商学院。2002年被美国“商务周刊”(BUSINESS WEEK)评为除美国外全球十大MBA学校的第五位,加拿大商学院第一名。其独创的“综合管理思维”模式(Integrative Thinking Model)将现代管理理论中各学科有机结合,融汇财务、金融、市场、组织、策略、运营等知识技能,旨在培养高素质、具有缜密思维、全球战略眼光的管理人才。有超过8000名毕业生在世界73个国家担任公司及其他机构领导职务。
2: University of British Columbia英属哥伦比亚大学
An undergraduate could feel overwhelmed at a school asbig as UBC, with its sprawling Point Grey campus and an internationalreputation for research and graduate programs. It's an ongoing challenge thatthe university is addressing with efforts to create a more intimate learningenvironment by adding more student-centric learning spaces and engaging neighboringmunicipalities as community partners.
Sauder School of Business尚德商学院,学校位于加拿大温哥华附近,是一所非常有名的专业商学院,课程涵盖所有主要商科领域,其教学和创新的精神都是为世界所公认的。尚德(Sauder)商学院,地处加拿大西部高科技区的中心城市温哥华,迄今已有60年的历史。“那里是历史与未来汇聚的地方,可以很好地将科技创新与商业联系在一起。
3: Simon Fraser University西蒙菲莎大学
Since opening its doors 50 years ago in Burnaby, SimonFraser University has spread to the downtown core of Vancouver, as well as thefast-growing suburb of Surrey. All three campuses have developed strong tieswith their local communities. One example is UniverCity, a model sustainablecommunity that SFU is developing on Burnaby Mountain.
4: Western University西安大略大学
Built along the banks of the Thames River in the“forest city” of London, Ont., Western is one of the largest universities inthe province. With more than 400 academic programs, 90 first-year courses andapproximately 175 student clubs, it is more than just a regional powerhouse;increasingly, the school is building international recognition.
5: York University约克大学
York’s students may complain about its location, whichis so remote they have to take a bus from the subway station. But a new subwayline under construction will make trips downtown or to York dale Mall a lotmore palatable. In the meantime, it attracts students to its renowned programsin business, law, science and fine arts.
6: McGill University麦吉尔大学
McGill attracts bright students from around the world.“A degree from McGill right now is worth a lot, because the reputation ofMcGill worldwide is strong,” says principal Suzanne Fortier. The university hascultivated more Rhodes Scholars and more Nobel laureates than any other schoolin Canada.
7: Queen’s University女王大学
Queen’s is a hub of academic research on the shores ofLake Ontario near the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. The campus is dottedwith charming limestone buildings in Romanesque revival and neo-Gothic style,several more than 100 years old. More modern structures coexist, such as thenew athletic centre, which houses three gyms, a food court and a coffee shop.
8: University of Alberta阿尔伯塔大学
The research-intensive University of Alberta offersmore than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs. Located southof the Legislature Building at one end of Whyte Avenue, where Edmontonians shopand socialize, the main campus is a serene green space surrounded by newersteel-and-glass buildings devoted to engineering, science and medicine.
阿尔伯塔大学与麦吉尔大学、多伦多大学、英属哥伦比亚大学一起稳居加拿大研究型大学前五,世界前百;其科研收入与所得资助总额居全国第五;Alberta MBA项目提供全面的商业课程设置,通过小班授课的方式传播给今后有可能成为商业精英的学生们;这里不仅可以学到超一流的商业知识,还能够获得大量的应用机会;这里提供很多商业实践的社区,学生能和两千多名校友交流商业心得。
9: McMaster University麦克马斯特大学
Although its steel- and manufacturing-based economygave Hamilton its “Steel town” moniker, students need not be deterred by imagesof an industrial wasteland. McMaster is actually a green campus withivy-covered buildings blending in with modern glass and steel. Located nearlakefront conservation areas, pedestrians rule the school grounds, as cars arenot allowed beyond the parking lots located along the campus perimeter.
德格鲁特商学院(Michael DeGroote School of Business)为世界前100强商学院(NO.88),商学院开设的MBA专业继承了麦大的优良传统,在北美工商界口碑极佳。据伦敦金融时报统计,麦大学院常年居于世界百强MBA院校之列,在加拿大更令其它学校难以比肩,其毕业生平均年薪75000余美元,3至5年后增幅达150%,无论在职位和业绩成就上都令业界瞩目。
10: Ryerson University瑞尔森大学
Ryerson’s polytechnic past means it has always offereddegrees that lead directly to jobs. But the Digital Media Zone helps studentsto create them. “The DMZ allows students to become entrepreneurs while they’regoing to school,” explains Sheldon Levy, who is wrapping up 10 years aspresident. The innovation hub, which opened in 2010, has incubated more than130 start-ups and led to the creation of more than 1,200 jobs.
11: Université de Montréal蒙特利尔大学
Université de Montréal looms large on the mountain,and its influence on Quebec society can be seen in its impressive list ofalumni. Filmmaker Denys Arcand and former prime minister Pierre Trudeau strodeits halls, as did 12 premiers of Quebec, who graduated from U de M or one ofits affiliated schools.
蒙特利尔高等商学院(HEC Montréal) 是蒙特利尔大学的附属商学院,也是加拿大第一所专业的管理学院。该学院在AACSB International(美国),EQUIS(欧洲) 和AMBA(英国)都有备案,是北美仅有的两家获得三重认证(Triple Accreditation)的学院之一。蒙特利尔高等商学院在2002年重新命名为HEC Montréal,以示与法国巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris)和瑞士洛桑高等商学院(HEC Lausanne)两者之间的区别。
12: University of Waterloo滑铁卢大学
The University of Waterloo is a research mecca.There’s the Balsillie School of International Affairs, a collaboration withWilfrid Laurier University, and the prestigious Perimeter Institute forTheoretical Physics is nearby. The Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum-NanoCentre opened in 2012, as did a campus in Stratford, Ont., dedicated to digitalmedia and information technology.
13: University of Calgary (tie)卡尔加里大学
The University of Calgary is a young university in adynamic city. A location in the country’s energy capital has its perks(excellent job opportunities) and its problems (a shortage of apartments).“We're achieving the high standards we've set before us, as we near the goal ofbecoming a top five research institute in the country,” says presidentElizabeth Cannon.
Haskayne商学院,它成立于1967年,2002年为纪念Richard F.Haskayne而以其名字命名。Haskayne商学院是加拿大获得AACSB国际认证的8所商学院之一,能够提供范围广泛的学位课程,包括商业学士、酒店与旅游胜地管理学士、会计学学士、MBA、与阿尔伯塔大学合办的经理人MBA、哲学博士(PhD)、以及与OLADE(拉丁美洲能源组织)在厄瓜多尔基多合办的跨学科能源与环境硕士学位。卡尔加里大学的国际旅游教育与研究中心经世界旅游组织认可,是欧洲之外的仅有的研究中心。
13: Concordia University (tie)康考迪亚大学
Concordia University in Montreal is one of Canada'slargest, offering more than 500 programs at the undergraduate and graduatelevels. It provides a flexible learning environment with evening classes,online courses and a library open 24-7. “This is an innovative, urbanuniversity for the next generation,” says president Alan Shepard.
约翰莫森商学院是加拿大蒙特利尔第一所被世界精英商学院协会AACSB认证的商学院,目前世界上13000所商学院中只有不到5%的商学院通过了AACSB的认证,在整个北美也是排名非常靠前的商学院。在2014美国商业周刊『Bloomberg Businessweek』的排名中,约翰莫森的MBA排在了20名,在整个加拿大排名第一,在2013年“经济学人”的排名中康考迪亚的EMAB排在了世界47名。约翰莫森商学院一共拥有来自于26个国家的137名全职的教师,其中涉及的专业领域包括金融、会计、管理、市场营销、和供应链管理领域,提供本科、硕士和博士学位。
15: Laval University拉瓦尔大学
Université Laval—famous for its successful Rouge et Orfootball team—is a large, research-intensive institution located in the QuebecCity suburb of Sainte-Foy. At Laval, says rector Denis Brière, “knowledge,creativity and innovation are part of everyday life.” Three federal centres ofexcellence—in photonics, geomatics and Arctic climate change—are hosted here,as well as the Centre for Northern Studies.
拉瓦尔大学Université Laval是加拿大第一所大学,也是北美洲第一所法语授课的高等教育院校。 拉瓦尔大学的历史可追溯到1663年,新法兰西的第一位主教——拉瓦尔的弗兰主教在法国国王路易十四的授权下成立了魁北克研究院。
16: Wilfrid Laurier University劳里埃大学
Wilfrid Laurier University has been an integral partof the Kitchener-Waterloo community for more than a century, and Brantford,Ont., since it opened a campus there in 1999. The main campus in Waterloo issqueezed mostly onto a single city block, so it can feel intimidating from theoutside, though intimate from the inside. The $103-million Global InnovationExchange building, which will house the math department and the school ofbusiness and economics, will be open to students in January 2016.
劳里埃大学商学院在加拿大极负盛名,也是最大的带薪实习商学院。在1976年,劳里埃大学是第一个在加拿大开设商科带薪实习的大学,也是第一批AACSB认证的加拿大商学院之一。 劳里埃大学的商学和经济学院在加拿大一直保持良好的声誉,其金融和会计专业的排名在加拿大一直保持前十,毕业生深受金融银行业的认可,就业前景十分光明。商学和经济学院的专业设置包括:工商管理(专业方向:会计、品牌沟通、企业家学、金融、人力资源管理、保险与风险管理、国际商务、市场营销和物流管理)、商科与计算机科学(双学位)、计算机科学双学位,商科与金融数学(双学位),工商管理与数学(双学位)、经济学、经济与会计、经济与金融管理、应用经济学等。
17: Université du Québec à Montréal魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校
Located in a dynamic, urban setting in the heart ofMontreal's Latin Quarter, the Université du Québec à Montréal offers more than300 programs, maintains several degree options in the arts, social sciences, businessand education, while targeting promising avenues of research in the health andnatural sciences.
18: University of Victoria维多利亚大学
Not many campuses can offer a 10-minute walk to thebeach with surroundings of ocean, mountains and forests, but the University ofVictoria has so much green space, it's no wonder students flock outdoors in thespringtime—which comes in early March—to study and suntan on blankets. But thelocation also influences UVic's identity, which has research strengths in climatechange, oceans science and alternative energy.
维多利亚大学商学院 (University of Victoria, Faculty of Business) 带着其独特的整合性教育模式和为企业量身定做课程的培训模式,以上海为登陆点,积极参与到中国企业的培训和发展战略中。 维多利亚大学商学院以其独特的三种整合型教育模式而闻名遐迩:“创业”,“国际商务”及“服务业管理”。商学院拥有雄厚的师资力量和不断创新的管理团队,在国际上频获大奖,其中包括:全职教授发表学术论文平均数量第一名 —— 《加拿大商业杂志》 (Canadian Business);创业和国际商务专业校友满意度第一名 —— 《加拿大商业杂志》 (Canadian Business);MBA投资回报率第一名—— 《加拿大商业杂志》 (Canadian Business)
19: University of Ottawa (tie)渥太华大学
The University of Ottawa is a diverse, bilingualuniversity with 250 undergraduate programs and 200 graduate degrees in 10faculties. Students can study everything from fine arts to hard sciences inFrench, English or both. The university has an extensive co-op program boastinga 95 per cent placement rate.
19: University of Regina (tie)里贾纳大学
Only 41 years old, the University of Regina hasalready established itself as an institution that thinks outside the box. Itwas the first University in Western Canada to offer co-op studies, and theprovince's first green roof was constructed on top of its Research andInnovation Centre.
里贾纳大学(University of Regina,简称: U of R)其创始于1911年时为私立教会中学,1961年成为萨省大学的分校区,1974年脱离并成为自主的公立大学。学校位于加拿大中南部萨斯喀彻温省首府里贾纳市(Regina),为加拿大著名的公立院校之一。
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